Day 20: Tilly

I had been a member of a charity facebook group for over a year before we decided to apply to adopt. It took me that long to convince my husband that dachshunds are meant to be in a pack and our Rolo needed a sister or brother..
When I first saw a picture of Tilly there was just something about her that stood out for me, so that we filled in the adoption paperwork. My husband told me not to get my hopes up as we had applied before and wasn’t lucky enough, but I didn’t let this put me off. Over the next couple of days I kept checking my emails and finally got the call asking if I would be available the next day to have a chat. The next day we had a video with the adoption team and everything seemed to go well. The next day we got the call and all I remember saying was OMG really over and over again we were so happy.
When I got home from picking up Tilly I opened her carry case and just let her come out on her own as I knew everything would be strange and would of been scared, but how wrong was I, she jumped straight out and ran over to me for tummy rubs I couldn’t
believe it, It was like she knew she was home.
Rolo wasn’t the happiest when he first met Tilly. I always remember the look he gave me like to say what have you done but now they are like the best friends. She loves sleeping in our bed, walks in the park, the beach and chasing Rolo round the garden to
bite his ears. She is the most adorable little thing and we couldn’t imagine her not being here.
We have never been lucky enough to have kids and Rolo was always our only baby till Tilly came along. We now have two and it’s made our little family even more complete. We could never thank the charity and all the people that have donated enough for
helping Tilly and all the other pups get to their forever home.