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Day 21: Gigi

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We already had Poppy who is just the best dog ever and we talked about giving her a litter and keeping one. Then on a Facebook group

someone posted about DMT Dachshund Rescue and we quickly decided to adopt instead. In particular, a dog that was destined for the barbaric meat trade. We saw a post about a mum, Adele and her 7 pups. We saw this cute, tiny fluffy-eared, shy and timid girl called Gigi and we fell in love with her. We knew we were going to apply for her so we just had to bide our time and soak up as much info

about her as we could.

The time came to apply and we did it immediately. We knew we would be very very lucky to get an interview let alone be chosen but luck was on our side when I got the best phone call ever from Judith to say she was ours.

When we eventually collected her she was so frightened that I just wanted to cry. We took her back to our hotel room and lay on the floor with treats to try and gain her trust. She eventually fell asleep on the bed between us. We got her home a few hours

later and introduced her to the rest of the family.

It hasn’t been all plain sailing I’ll admit and there were times where I wondered if we’d done the right thing, especially where Poppy was concerned. There have been many toilet accidents inside the house and we’ve had to replace the downstairs carpets with laminate! She is very reactive to everything including animals on the TV, people coming round or walking past with other dogs. She is very very full on and energetic and poor Poppy looks fed up with her sometimes! She also still eats her own poop if unsupervised! All that being said, she is becoming a lovely dog now and toilet accidents are extremely rare. She loves her walks, her jumpers and her toys. She will demolish a yak bone in one sitting! She is also very affectionate and will give you forceful nose boops, usually in the eye, and loves to cuddle up to you and to Poppy.

After 4 months we feel like she’s settled right in and we absolutely made the right decision. We love her with all our hearts and wouldn’t change a thing!

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