We are now ready to invite adoption applications for the adorable Bailey – the first of our ‘Chinese 10’ rescued in September.
We believe Bailey to be around 3 years old and he’s a large mini dachshund - weighing around 7.5 kgs. He is friendly with other dogs and people. He has also been introduced to a cat at the boarding facility and seemed completely uninterested in it, so on this occasion we would accept applications from homes with cats.
As with all of these dogs rescued from the dog meat trade he will not be toilet trained. Another dog in the home would hopefully help show him what’s expected of him in this respect and how to be a family pet. A prospective adopter needs to be sure that their resident dog/dogs are accepting of new dogs as these dogs often form strong attachments to their new human(s) which can cause some jealousy and resentment. Bailey will need a home where he won’t be left for hours at a time with people who are prepared to give him the love and support he needs. He may take several months to settle into a new home and helping him to do this takes 100% commitment and hard work.
He has had no experience of children and so we will not consider homes with children under 7.
If you have read this advert and feel confident that your home would be suited to Bailey and you are prepared to put in the work needed to help him adjust, please complete the Adoption Form below.
Applications need to be returned to Sally, Adoption Manager by 6pm this Thursday 9th December. Email Sally, Adoption Manager on sally396@hotmail.co.uk.