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DMT Dachshund Rescue

From Beijing Basil to Barrington Bentley

(Baz to all his friends)

After losing my old boy Jim last year I felt I’d never get another dog like him, but I had a huge dachshund size hole in my life. I started looking at adopting, after an upsetting unsuccessful application for a local dog I’d just about given up when a friend sent me a photo of Basil I knew he was the one instantly! And so began the long wait for him to come up for adoption and the agonising time finding out if I was successful ! I nearly wasn’t as I have chickens, pleased to say he’s fine with them!

Life with him is fun! He bounded in and bounced round the furniture, for the first week everything was at full speed! I’m glad to say he’s calmed down a lot, in fact he can be quiet lazy! Still like a train out walking but will slow down and chill out, it’s gonna be a long time before I dare let him off lead.

He was quitE reactive to other dogs at first but seems to have got over that. He loves the girls. He still doesn’t like in your face dogs but I often find them cleaning this chops. He didn’t know affection but is learning fast. He loves tummy rubs and will paw and nibble your hand for more .

I was asked to write a few words about him - impossible! He’s such a big personality and I’m glad to say nothing like Jim! You can’t replace a loved one but you can learn to love again, and I do.


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